The Second Annual Post-Apocalyptic Drinking Revolution

"Omak? We don't need no stinkin' Omak"

- OR -

"Where's Todd?"

Version 2.2

12:35 PM July 5 through 5:38 PM July 7, 1996



"make it the color of thine eyes."

July 5, 1996
12:35 PM Mr. Big Hurls Pukes in Perry's Parking-lot due to Pete's Perilous driving (& Partying previously.)

And thus a new log is born!

"Never underestimate the power of a purge." -Danhole.

I've got a stylin' pink & blue striped button-down shirt of Dave's for Golfing in. Wow. Bow down all yee fashionably-challenged.
12:45 PM we have fifteen minutes ET of fooding. We are waiting for Davehole, Joshhole, Kirbhole who are getting felt up by a dapper young tailor named Dwane. A moment of silent -pause-

Wasn't hee haw such a great show? What ever happened to it?
12:50 PM - Kirb - Dave - Joshhole arrive at now -- very good timing. Dave admits that seamstress was "extremely good with her hands."
wrong page
[Kirby's signature] 7-5-96
Purpose:    To punish Dhyman.

Materials:  Stunning wit wit  PJR 7/5/96
	    $120k education.

Procedure:  Provide numerous bad science jokes.

	1. Dhyman is tall and funny-looking.
	   he shaved, but its coming back.
	2. Klawton has a bad hair day.
	3. I'm wearing spandex.
	4. Pleo is swanky as always.
	5. Mrbig puked.
	6. Supreme-being is wearing no shorts.
	7. Dhole looks smooooth as always

Mix well and incubate @ 15-30 [deg]C for 1 hours
at cool food joint.
                                                      PJR 7/5/96
Then dry in [something] crucible angd and

				[Peter Russo] 7/5/96

Pete to Pete: [I'm sorry there's an error] 
the errors only add in quadrature if they are independent"
quickly followed by yelp from punished Bog.


I can't believe I'm hanging out w/these dorks!
1:00 DAVE! - I knew we shouldn't have left DANhole in charge...

* * * CAFE * * *
This menu may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission of from the owners of Perry's Cafe.
1:20 We suck - we're talking computer games.
1:20 PETE & PETE must NEVER be allowed to sit together again!
1:30 Leo is licking jelly out of the little plastic containers.
1:35 Petebog finished food in a record time. Plate still smoking.
----- is large and positive negative.
2 PM Shirt exchange complete. Kirby <=> BOG
2:05 Davehole "I'm glad I was sauced."
Kirby "Bog just sweats a lot." hanging shirt out window.
Golf is good           47
Leo   47 42(2+)  Dave  47 43(4+)  Dan  43 40(3+)
Kirby 38 (4+)    Craig 37 (3+)    Pete 42 (4+)
No one was hurt, thank god. Although some of Dan's sliced scared the fellow golfers 3 fairways over.

10:21 Lamity Timer for Kirby to find Dave's place now at 2 minutes. ID4 rocked big time.
10:36 Dan - "It was just one little micropoot."
- "You got any kick-ass air fresheners?"
10:40 Leo - "Still coming up with [girl] ideas."
10:55 Mr Big is a moment of casualty party casualty. A moment of silence.
11:45 * NO These are winning list of rules
- no point with hands
- no use of the word "rule"
- no use of the word "drink"
- no challenging more than once
- no use of the word first name
- you cannot inquire about the rules
- failed challenges drink 3
- you cannot say "rule"
- Cannot drink with writing hand
- No first names
- Cannot play quarters
12:00 Leo heinously punished when he beer volcanoes bog - bog ninja sprays the high pressure beer jet all over Leo. Very carnageous.
2:45 -Beavith- "Back in my day, we hardly ever got wood watching TV" We just finished watching Alicia Silverstone in "Clueless." She really wasted all of us with all her changes of clothing. Let me amend that we were watching drinking "Clueless."
2:50 Beavith - "There's got to be a better way to get chicks." Butthed - "let's check out the bathroom, sometimes theres good advice on the walls"
2:48 Previous time not accurate. No truth like Ex-Mudd vs Ex-Scripps truth. One has to figure... Heather here - couch position critical. 4 years of training... Dan it is amazing what is improved with beer enhancement. Drinking games bring out the old rivalries - interschool conflict rules "We prepare a vessel for the torent of merging wills"
Aeon flux bad guy
3:35 I feel like there's a high tension wire running out my anus and through my (..] [next word unheard/unremembered]
pete bog as recounted by DanHole

Why are we up?
grad school rules. freedom rules.

Pete: go to car... must find sleepage
5:00 Pete & I just came in from outside (Danhole) discussing the merits of life, love, and graduate school. You learn much more than can fit in a mortal log book. Rest assured, plebes, that the great only greater while the groundlings scrabble for existence.

Time for bed... Beer must tack back seat to fatigue

SUNDAY New day--
9:45 Oww..
"He's not hungover if he's passed out."
"I'm only hungover if I hurt worse than the beer."
10:40 Peter awake already offered beer but no desire yet.

I must now recount a horrid tale of how we got to the movie theatre last night. After a butt-cheap meal at La Jolla Brewing Company ($4.25 pitchers, 1/2 price appetizers -- Mmm, squid strips.) We all boogeied down to the movie theatre, WITHOUT BUDIC!! Fortunately the second car stopped off at price-club en route, for beer and didn't get to the show until 10 minutes before it started, so the car that had been there for 45 minutes had no idea of the problem. After a few cries of "You never leave a man behind!" We ran to the phones, picked up a few angry messages & Russo & Dave drove off after him. Just as the movie starts, Budic shows up! Then we flounder for a bit trying to find Russo's cell-number to bring back the scouts. But we eventually did. And it was good, except Pete & Dave missed the Aliens showing up. WE SUCK HARD.
11:28 Leo here with the morning report again. Heather gone. Dan down. Rest lounging in various stages of unclothedness listening to NIN reading whatever in Dave's living room.
11:34 Dan up! He lives. He rules.
11:40 Crossword answer from yesterday:
Doast Hevo Mansdo
3:05 Pre "brewery report" comments by danhole here as I veg in food coma and read the log. Ex Mudd vs. Ex Scripps comment from ~2 hrs pontification between Bog and I last night about life, love, and all. It was noted how the evening drinking game brought out some very old characteristic rivalries which, although long dormant and well-meaning, still can be picked out both interschool, interclass, and interdorm. One truly has to marvel at the fact that we all relate to each other in these same terms and not like those of traditional societies and norms we read about in bullshit psych classes.
rest of comment - a ramble -
back to our original programming

Dear God...I am sooo full! Must drink more beer.

IPA rocks
3:35 "Resevoir Dogs" over. Time to surf.

K Must learn to play steel drum for next 4th.
7:00 Kirb & I have been sitting around holding camp - doing crosswords, playing frisbee. Stragglers slowly join

Pete comes up (Russo), signifying the officially world sign language symbol for:
7:20PM We have buried the keg. There are 10 8 4 5 4 6 of us drinking. We must finish the keg by 8 PM at which point C2H5OH becomes illegal on the beach.
Stephan logs in.
K-Hole Dan-hole
Elise & Bob went for beer food.
Budic & Dave-hole at Padres
Tom & Tish scaring animals in the bushes.
Bog & Big MIA
April flake
Heather late
Vicky weak
Tod @ airport

All accounted for.

Time to play Beerby
8:45 Nancois

We're @ Tish's. Beautiful Precision Keg moving team from beach to heare. Present:
No, we
weren't yet
Jocele!!! (unconfirmed as of now.)
Keg is not dead, but we made a valid attempt.
8:50 Keg is still not dead.
Rock, paper, scissors -- or the nuclear missile!!!

[Tish's phone number] = Tish

9:15 Micah! just showed up. Kelly Beckman got here ~20 min. ago. Killed 1/4 keg in about 45 min. to avoid federal prosecution (okay - maybe local) - then moved to indoors @ Tish's (we were on the beach.) The happy man is invading my body.
9:20 Jocele tried to braid my hair.
No reflection, of course.
9:22 This [arrow up] was Pete-O. Jocele speaking. I think I'm destined never to have any surfer friends make it to a party. Does that symbolize a separation of different aspects of my life? Am I messing with Fate by trying to bring them together? I dunno, but I'm going to Fort Collins so who cares?
9:23 Refer to 9:15.
As we did not cross state lines, no federal crimes were committed.
9:27 J.S.T(Jo Standard Time) Kelly here. People just got here, not sure who... don't know them. We're talking about people who didn't graduate and are making five times what we do. Oh well. I can't drink. Gotta go back and babysit flies. But I found chocolate...
10:two:10 (9:50) We've been talking about glaciers for a while
People are playing Yuke-err. Need Bieh.

[Arrow to "People"] Westies & Elise
9:50:30 Stephan here. The Sammy's still flowin, but not @ quite the rate we had going on the beach. The cheeto's bowl is loaded w/carrots. We'll see who [scribble] notices...
unknown This is a Bob! That's me. A what? A bob. Jo corrected my syntax. I forgot the "this is a ____" qualifier...
10:00 So we have Oreo's and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and I just got a sanwich [undecipherable word] each of them and it is wonderful. Also we saw some SeaWorld fireworks which were pretty cool.
I almost got to play Euker for Craig but Kirby was concerned about their winning lead. -Tish
10:02 You're going a what? A Bob! Kirby just called Jacks as Trump.
10:27 Dave + Pete B. arrive from the Padre's game. Padre's win 7-3 and much free (cheap) beer was consumed. Will now address matters at hand - SAMMY's!
11:00 Timberr -- (Jenga) Stefan says he's screwed. There are 7 people playing. It comes all the way back to him. Tom saves Tish's ass. I got almost fucked and muscled my way back to victory. We owe Leo a pound
"we are on a saddle point here --- there are three ways it can go"

22 levels -- we are in deep shit, correction - Stefan is in deep shit. The one load-bearing member I found that I saw was also loose
11:15 Leo
11-ish Cops warn us to shut up or Tish gets a $500 ticket.

Party rages on.
11:15 Leo almost succumbs to alcohol and massage. Then he wakes up, dumps Timberr! game and makes the "off pinky and thumb-only rule." Leo enjoys beer...
11:35 Budic makes an awesome Jenga move and screws PLEO. PLEO must pound.
11:37 Stefan finds pubic hair in bottom of cup. Who poured Stefan's beer! Blame is put on Dan-hole.
Dan-hole responds, "that's no where near as long as mine!" Thankfully, the conversation ends.

And the world turns foolishly on...
11:45 I'm Leaving Las Vegas! -- WaBauer
1145+1 Who put Sheryl Crow Back In? How come of all the physicist that graduated from Mudd, WBauer is the only one that does physics?
11:45+2 I haven't written in the log yet, but I've been partying since Wed night... Doesn't take long before you get nostalgic, does it? ALL THESE HUGE DORKS start being are really so cool... am I really one of them? Aaaaaa!
11:59 Stefan is now JENGA GOD! A beautiful flick. It must be the power of the mysterious pubic hair of death!
11:59 Leo: "Leo not lasting long"
11:59.2 Tish is gone
11:59.3 Leo: "I hope I remember this in the morning, its kind cool!"
12:00 Midnight Party check:
Status of keg -- 1/2 or less
Ratio: around ~4:1 (guess which)
Visits from Cops: 1
Belly rings: 2 3 (?)
12:05 Dan: "Jocele has a belly ring?"
Nancy: "Yeah. You could string us all together with them."
- Many eyes widen...
12:10 Random comment: "Don't worry, we'll keep somebody sober to drive you to the hospital."

Kirby: "That's fucking cake. Just grab it and pull."
12:10+ there will be many people still here tomorrow...

we who are about to pound salute you.
12:32 and then there was...
"Sweet as a kiss and firm as a high school girl's femur."
12:35 Budic makes a really stupid bet -- but pulls it off!
And once again PLEO is screwed.
25 Rows!
Advice flows freely from the peanut gallery
PLEO pulls it off...
12:40 Nancy makes the killer move!
But loses it on the placement!!
See Nancy Pound!
12:41 Another random comment from Kelly "And one really wet butt cheek"
12:43 Random Tish neighbors leave...
12:45 Ratio down to 2:1!! (Craig has 1:2 = gang rape)
he rules


    21 = Mexicali - do not show
    31 = social
    41 = antisocial/pass
    42 = Ronnie Lott (give a drink)
    43 = anti-social (drink w/o looking while turned away)
12:47 Leo's final log entry. It is several games of Timberr! Past when I thought I could/should play. I lost two, but not the Last! Yee haw Timberr is every[scribble] Craig is the home-sleep man! I will not be logging from here Nanky's cool. Must've - hydrate. I feel I should say something profound but I have nothing to add except for comments on my sobriety & its history. Grr...... Frustration....
12:52 Nikki, Christine, Eric Furze, Micah, Elise, WaBauer, Hugh, Rizzo, Beckman (Kelly), Aaron, Glen all Control-D mother fucker!! Elise's disgusted.
12:55 Stephan (hey, that's me asshole!) said "Why do we get better at this when we drink more?"
12:56 A game of "Mexicali" begins. Rules are explained.
12:57 Leo "still hasn't puked but he has serious vertical hold problems.
12:58 West dorm "punish" rules for Mexicali - not Radcock rules.
12:59 Leo claims to be able to communicate with the (passed out) TISH. She wants West dorm rules.
1:01 Tish
1:02 Leo: "Pounding bad. Its 4 AM in Ithaca."
1:04 All very spinny-funky. Wonder if I will make it sans YAK... Wonder if I SHOULD make it sand YAK -- could be better off with. (What is the opposite of sans, anyway?) Music, sight, feeling, second, Russo -- all slightly relieved from my cone of coaception..

Ahcklbleffrugh -Leo
1:07 Tish up!

Bob writes:

	Tish back als asleep.
		    spelling error.
It seems like a mellow evening hanging out in West except for:
    no Night Rider
    the furniture is clean
    no drinking helmets
It doesn't count as passing out if the allege perpetrator manages to remove his/her = "hir" shoes before the action -- or lack thereof.

Leo is convinced he will no longer puke and he's not certain this is a good thing.
1:20 Tom kick Kirby's ass. He got Mexicali on Kirby (and called it!)
Kirby calls bullshit, and hoses himself w/10 drinks.
1:27 Leo is quite sure he will not puke now. But he predicts that tommorrow he will wish that he had taken the those critical two sips about an hours ago which would have thrown me over the top since I will be Hung Over (H.O.) tommoRRow b/c of my lack of desire to wretch on Kirby's uncle!
1:30 Jo: "I felt Dave all over!"
    -- "We was SO fuzzy!"
Kirby brings the room to containment level 4 with another Danholeish microbomb.
1:33 Enter Tracy and some Random Chick.

Stefan: "I feel my second wind coming"
Others: "I hope that isn't anything like Kirby's wind!"
1:50 Either Nancy is Breast feeding or burping PLEO -- unsure at this time
Conservation of Mass - Deal with it.

Dan - why don't you "grab a marker?"

Jo : eyes sparkle like a 5 year old at xmas.
shit-eating grin unmatchable

"pretty little doodles on Kirby-button follow"
2:00 PLEO outlasts Kirby!
2:03 Kirby down - he is an outtie. "Smurfs are 3 apples high"

Coma smurf rears its ugly head
(Beer smurf appears on Kirb as its replacement)
2:10 Ratio now 3:1!

5:2 if you only count non-coma people

Kirby still being decorated
2:15 Dan: "Once he (Kirby) passes out, all orifices open."

Pete passes the log to Jocele, the log wench

Kirby moves!.... "oops" .... Kirby calmly seizes cup 1/2 full of beer + tries to play Mexicali w/it... Paper towels!

Kirby confuses Pete Russo w/1st Dan then Pete Budic

>laughter!.. everyone hurts from laughter<

Kirby in bathroom...waiting for discovery....

Kirby emerges... down for the count
Apparently does Kirby doesn't spend much time in the mirror
2:21 Dan: "a wanna bend over + see them? -- 'cuz they're actually impressive"

The keg is still pretty full...just 3 beers each left...haha

Dave disappears into bathroom w/a sly grin and the sharpie
2:28 Sharpie handoff to... Anyone? Anyone?

Who here has drawn on Kirby at least double digits # of times?
Hands raise...

Log passes off from one log wench to another
2:30 New log wench Nancois

"Cheeze and loaf!" the new battle cry
the cheeze and loaf were distributed as foretold by prophesy
    "A little lacking in cheeziness" -S.Z.
"More beer" - everyone
"More Salmon(?)" -S.Z.
"You'll have to sleep on Kirby but I'm sure he won't mind." -P.Budic
"I can't believe I sold my soul for Cheeze and loaf" -Pete
[ I must interject that I probably said "More Sammy" and not "More Salmon" ]
2:39 "drink bitch I got you"
"finally, everyone has been fucking me up the ass all night"
2:41 Pete rolls sixes

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am" - Budic
"I am" S.Z.
2:44 "Big Z has brass kahunas" - PP
    Dan doesn't believe it
    Dan drinks
"Dude, you have fuckin' smited me" -Dan
2:46 "Leo do you know `erogenous zone'?" PB
"Yes" PP
"hit kirby" PB
2:48 "You is the man" P.Budic
2:51 "The law of averages says I will survive" PR
"I feel like I am in a garlic press"
    PeteR has lost again 3 blind shots in a row
2::fifty-late Log logging. Its late, and the smell of Sam induces wretch feelings in my gut. I was told to control-D Nancy until she started flailing. KGL has big error bars marked on the supposed erogenous zones.

"Tish, you should put some clothes on." -Budic
3:05 There was a son bitch name Kirby
What was written on so much he was dirty
So he took a bath
And scrubbed his ASSth
But it didn't come off so he flipped a birdy
3:09 Tish brings blankets. There is rejoicing
Kirby still down. Stephan calls a 65 and goes down in flames.
3:10 Stefan farts and heaves...
PeteR does a little dance...
makes a little love...
gets down tonight...
Impromptu rap performance canelled...
7:17 Tom: "Get the velvet one..."
3:20 I know Davehole (Stefan - upon Pete Budic calling 64) And you're no davehole!!!

Danhole - "Guess the expulsion before I leave..."
3:20 Nancy now has been asleep on Leo's crotch for 1/2 hour. We're betting on what will be asleep... his leg or...? PB
3:30 Dave: "Don't make me wake up Kirby..."

Tish is Awake!
3:35 "I am the representative of Pope Radcock the first" said Pete in a tone reminiscent of certain authority.

Dave prostrated himself to Pete which I guess means it takes a white to pee, maybe.

"Pass the 6,5 for so I can fuck Pete (Russo)"

Behold, Dave has been punished by Mexicali skills - PJR
3:30 DAVE!: Huh, huh (s)He said 'log!
3:38 "He slept through that part..." -DAVE!
3:38 Tom: more! [after rolling a 55]
Stefan drinks.
3:40 Leo is almost awake.
He need help

Ooga booga booga

Jocele:"Tish is Blowing"
-She gotthe job done!
3:45 Stefan say
    I hope were not keeping him awake
Dan says
    who gives a shit?
3:46 Dan kick ass. (auth-biography)
Pete is Reamed

Dave: "the Beat-eater must awaken"

Thank you sir, may I have another
3:46 Tom: Why is Kirby the Beet Eater?

Stephan: "Cause we wrote that on his face."
3:50 Stephan suspects Tom of breaking SERIOUS wind.

Everyone else agrees...
3:54 Dan Hole gets screwed - although not in the existentialist (or Scrippsie) sense...
Where is the blond-ex-Scrippsie...
3:55 Danhole drinks 3 -
I suck hard - anti-social blows
3:56 Tom - Caffine boy brings the keg.
We are all hurting now
		Still drinking:	 / Tom
				|  DaveHole
              The Dream Team?  <   DanHole
				|  Stefan
				 \ Budic
3:58 Tom - "Did you notice that we don't have to exert ourselves by walking outside anymore..."

-RUSSO NOW Passed out in the kitchen, but is still talking."
4:00 Budic is hurting BADLY!!!

Dan exposes boxers...

DAVE!: "What-ever?!!"
4:01 tee hee hee hee
4:02 Nancois accepts the book

"Tish; if I bite you tomorrow, just let me sleep"
4:04 Russo check: still under the kitchen table.

Tish is back in & making up for lost time
4:06 Budic calls 70 something in Mexicali
"Well, you gotta lie" -PB

Beet eater check: pee eww stinky


"Dave and I will be like 2 ships pissing in the night" -S.Z.
4:10 "no pounding" - Tracy (2nd noise complaint)
"you mean like this?" Dan

Just another page in the log
4:12 "just forget it" -S.Z.
"I can't it is further into my brain then my brain is" P.B.
4:13 Dan hole is Down
4:16 Jocele is giving up the ghost but she is no beet eater
4:18 Dave is fading.
4:21 Dan does not need to open the screen door before going outside
4:21 Beet eater check: we need a canary -- if the canary dies from methane poisoning we are out of here
4:23 Stephan spill his beer
4:26 Dave licks it up off the floor
4:27 "What the hell happened to my beer?" -S.Z.
4:30 DAVE!: The last breaths of life are breathed by the keg. It dies...
    charged w/1st degree murder
4 something, 'n stuff Everybody out. Leo more conscious than Kirby.
4 or 5 something: DAVE! Life's a bitch and then you sober up. What a bunch of wusses!

As lone survivor, I am officially shutting down the fiesta at Tish's. Although I had a 3 hour lag time behind the leaders, I still turned off the light.

Its been great. I've spit in the fact of sobriety this weekend, and have willed my liver to satan in exchange for Mexicali (TM) prophecy powers. 4th of July weekend is the sweet spot of summer.

Too bad Todd had to spend it at the airport. Pray I don't miss my flight.

Officially logging out,
David T. M------
PS: All references herein and characters depicted are completely true and very much intentional. Should you take issue with any reproduction or original as far as content of my material is concerned, then (1) you may drink, (2) I will then get medieval on your ass, and (3) you may one day awaken to find yourself wearing a Bolivian necktie, courtesy of the Bolivian! (TM)

discrete packets of dawn arriving...
9am I was the first up due to my lotsa' sleep.
    Move 1: Get water
    Move 2: Spill water all fucking over myself
    Move 3: Wash off my writing.
9:03am (Jo) A big tongue must have licked the streets last night -- or maybe it rained a little
9:10 Nanc asks Kirby - Are you wearing black on the outside because that's how you feel on the inside?

Dave is still fuzzy

Nancy, you can't hide from consciousness

All are engrossed by the pretty, mute pictures on the TV. MTV news with Kurt Loder and Tabitha Soren.
Kirby tossess out an SAT word, studio audience reads in stunned silence. Stefan has lost the Kewpie hair do. Kirby is much too perky.
9:17 Kirby cracks open a beer for breakfast - "Does anyone have an opener?"

Stephan - "Is there a reason why we don't turn the sound up now that everyone is awake?"
Kirby - "Yes there is, but its a secret"
Stephan - "We should start a rock group called Drunk White Guys"
9:20 We don't understand rap.
"word." "they're the dopest and the freshest."
"Kids these days." Generation gap is evident

Dave's needing a ride home. Stephan can take drive him, but he's "hung like an ox."

Kirb - "The real world blows."
P. Budic - "Try not to bring up that word."

Dave-hole & P. Budic preparing to exit stage front, escorted by Mr. Zurcher
9:25 Budic logging out:
    type ispf to enter a straight TSO session
    or logoff to exit.
9:30 Kirby sez, "I could really use some food that isn't bar appetizers."
Jo: "Let's go to Kona's"
(Plantive cry...)
10:10 Tish is to call "Minerva" when she wakes up.
10:11 Leo "Oh bitchin' its a Toni Braxton video. I didn't think we'd get to see one."
10:12 Toni Braxton humps car door. Laughter ensues as Nancy explains the importance of using the skills you have.
10:15 Jo, Bob and throw down the gauntlet. "We're going to Kona's..."

Group mobilizes to follow...
[ Pete Russo decides to say behind... we place the following sign upon his prostrate form...]
11:00 Tish & Tom up, read log and proceed on bikes to Kona's. Tish dutifully locked the door
11:35 Tish + Tom come back to house to unlock door after having no success finding the party goers.

Pete joins the living and asks if we killed the keg.
12:22 Kirby recognizes last night beer farts did not obey the German Reinheitsgepoot beer purity law which protects the pooter from the pootage.

We attempted Kono's and failed. Line was too long.

Tish & Tom dutifully unlocked the door but Tracy lock it dutifully.

Leo, Kirby, Dan-Hole and Stephan were almost forced to resume sleep outside on the grass. But Peter J Russo managed to make it downstairs to open said locked door.
12:24 Sleep ensues.
12:47 Still out. Wonder how the airport is treating Todd and Davehole...
12:55 Tish and Tom return. We groan and return to sleep.
1:00 Stephan thinks he hears WaBauer... Peter confirms.
1:02 PJR: ctl-x
Its been real.
Try not to crash your HP's.
1:03 WaBauer - Came back to get my car. Its been fun. Where's the party next year?
1:05 Kirby wakes up, adjusts himself, returns to sleep.
1:15 Scrabble!
    Stephan, Kirby, Tish
DANGER! PJR has ended program instead of logging out...
[ Ahhh... The lost pages. These appear at the end of the log ]
        Tish  | Stephan | Kirby
	 24   |   19    |   14
	 16   |   17    |  (12 + 3 + 14)
	---   |  ---    |  -------------
	 40   |   36    |   43
	 57   |   48    |   70
	 78   |   56    |   90
	 18   |    7    |   21
	---   |  ---    |  ---
	 96   |   63    |  111
	102   |   18    |  124
	 42   |  ---    |   15
	---   |   81    |  ---
	144   |   26    |  139
	 10   |  ---    |   12
	---   |  107    |  ---
	154   |    6    |  151
	 12   |  ---    |   20
	---   |  113    |  ---
	166   |  120    |  171
	170   |  110    |   13
	184   |         |  ---
              |         |  184
              |         |  180
	Stefan Sucks

	Tish | Kirby | Stefan | Leo
	 22  |  18   |   10   |   7
	 27  |  32   |   30   |  33
	 48  |  52   |   41   |  60
	 62  |  68   |   61   |  90
	 83  |  80   |   85   | 106
	103  | 104   |   93   | 133
	118  | 126   |   95   | 147
	133  |   5   |    3   |   6
	  5  | ---   |  ---   | ---
          6  | 121   |   92   | 141
          3  |       |        |
	---  |       |        |
	147  |       |        |
		1376 C [ scribble ]
4:00 Playing LIFE: Leo in charge of CDs so operation: SWEDEN is in full effect. The pink peg is not noticed until Leo takes his full turn. In the middle of Stefan's he says
    "wait... why am I a chick?"
[ And now, back to our regularly scheduled log... ]
Kirby here: Stephan had the most cash, but Leo won for Lifetime worth.

We're about to head out. Hell of a weekend.

Ctrl D maybe
PP 5:33
4:33 pm, sunday, Tish's digs.
vacuum on, furniture moving.
logout commencing
The final act caste:
    [Daniel J. Hyman]
    "Truly a weekend that will go down in history.
    We're gonna need souvenires"
5:35 Dan was a little confused on the time.

So I log out. Control-] Control-[, exit.
(hardcore rude logout, eh?)
If my My last vacation was busy enough that I needed a vacation to relax from it. So this was it. Beach & Beer.
It's all dope.

Connection terminated.

    [P. Leo Parker]
5:38 Warning system shutdown iminent...

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep mudders | grep party | awk '{ print $2 }'`
    [Stephan Zuercher]

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