The Second Annual Post-Apocalyptic Drinking Revolution

"Omak? We don't need no stinkin' Omak"

- OR -

"Where's Todd?"

Version 2.1

10:02 PM July 3 through 12:25 PM July 5, 1996

DRINKIN' LOG 2 dot 1
10:02 Furze passes out, sort of. But he wakes back up [ scribble ] off.

Furze Kirbyother Pete
'Stina Peter
Jake Scott
Leo Dave
Audrey Micah
HAUS WaBauer (Craig)
Nikky Scrappy
? - Haus here, I think I speak for everyone when I ask "where th hell is Todd?"
10:05 WaBauer - Lots o random people, cool... Need more drinks!
10:10 Oohhh cool convositon....Scrappy
[ Okay, I give up. Who's Scrappy? ]
10:20 Here we are about 20 people sitting and drinking. Fun is here and so are we.
10:22 Hyman here - the earlies (Kirb - Hyman - Aud - Eric - Leo - Others) we started early and are hurting/buzzin' early and hitting the strawberry fields. ? - Yo.
10:28 Haus here. Yo. Furze is nowhere to be found. Todd is not heard from. No Raul, Elem or Huv. Have no idea.

Perhaps there's a Mudd contingency elsewhere.

Dave-Hole has a chick on his back and he didn't realize it for three weeks!
7/3 Dave is my hero!
10:30 She is too damn drunk to know what the fuck is going on. I am getting there. We're hanging in the garage where its fuckin hot. I guess we're not drivin anywhere cuz she's driving.
10:35 Dave! checking in. Boy, people here are pretty sloshed.
10:37 Me and Dave, Me and Dave, Me and Dave. That's all I ever hear. As far as I remember its Dave & I kick ass.
10:44 Josh-hole shows up!
-- w/Michelle
10:45 Boys club meeting in the garage!!

Time - I don't know. Micah signing in - getting advice on married life but won't be needin it for a long time, but enough beer and I'll be able to imagine anything.
11:07 Haus here. Furze is still missing. Need to piss Need to drink more.
11:10 WaBauer here - Stina is the life of the party. She just dumped a cup of water over my head. Where the hell is Furze? Josh is complaining about having only one beer. A. Ingle & Torgy & sbordelo came in. Party is still going strong.
11:20 Torgerson begins to drink
11:21 Torgerson passes out (by Josh)
11:20 'Stina "refreshes" herself and feels much better
11:20 Aaron's here!
11:25 Woohoo I feel old!
11:25 Michelle was here.
11:30 Steve Bordelon finally arrived!!!

Micah: Ummm Pumpkin
11:33 Furze is found! He refuses to tell me where he was. Aaron & Steve are here now. All we need is Rizzo to complete the Quatrafecta (aka Atomic). So its a party now. It's now official. I'm drunk, so I'm now wearing my sunglasses.
11:30 Kirby down! The pumpkin beer was too much.
11:35 Baby April '99
11:40 Adam R. I and have been here since 10:00 PM but only now got the 'log passed around. I am proud to help bring up the youngun' end

Rachel Donahue '97

"Five fuckin' Erics??" "Whatta the odds?"
11:40 Rak here. Nice & lit. Audrey is very cool for giving me beer. I like her a lot. Its good to be here.
11:40 The party rages on. The current topic of conversation is how well Lorraine's boyfriend was an expert "toilet plugger" in Europe...
11:45 Haus here. Shakes are going strong. Where's Glenn (because I know where _HE_ is) (see Furze)
11:45 Spock-chip-ear'd Lawton.
12:05 Kirby just stood up! (He's nicely decorated.) The world is warm and _fuzzy_!
12:08 This is Peter Russo. What to say? Kirby is standing...
12:09 "What seal?" Peter J. Russo
12:10 "What seal? I'm so unhappy I'm out of touch with HMC. Cool party -- a lot of unexpected people have arrived. But then again, maybe not.
12:15 The Eric's have multiplied
						    \ | /
	Furze House Martin Ring Prosser Torgerson   - 6 -
						    / | \
12:35 Som _HAUS_ here. Somebody [ Arrow to "House," above ] can't spell for shit.
Rizzo & Sean Shawn? (?) are here now. Let the party begin.
Still chillin. Sobering up which is good. Somebody needs to drive...
12:36 Eric Martin Drinking 3rd Beer
12:36 Aaron Ingle - This place is now _fat_. Riz is here, the world is populated by Mudd dorks and most of my stuff survived intact. Goddamn. Party on, Wayne!
12:52 Bogdanoff makes a Control-Alt-Delete joke. Dorks laugh and then request spoons so that they might gouge their eyes out...
1:03 Bog-bitch spilled on me!
1:15 Stephan & Leo give Kirby a happy-hug.
1:16 Navy boys think they're cool. (Not)

Lorraine Asplund '96
1:26 Bog learns not to wear silk to a party...
2:04 Pete Bog.
"Who is the Lesbian Transfer Function for [ scribble scribble ]?"
2:38 Haus here. It's too damn late. Time to return to PB but Mike (Navy Boy #2) is missing in action. Where's Todd? Signing off for the party... HAUS
(one of many Eriks)
3:00 Audrey "Oh man - was someone eating these!?"
3:01 I'm sober...These fucks are pretty fucked me for any stories -- Steve
Aaron blew by the way!
3:02 Finally I find the damn log! This is Rizzo and I got here late. Everyone is already passed out and I'm ready to party. Where's Todd? Oh well. Tomorrow night I will join the party!
3:20 AM 7/4/96 Really late. Everybody is asleep except me and Mr. Big. I wuz really pasted and have drunk H20 and am OK. Don't feel like puking anymore, which is a good Thing. Brian was really concerned with meeting up tomorrow, but I couldn't offer reassurance. Note: Neither Leo or Kirby snore at all. Hopefully whatsis name isn't at the airport. It's getting hard to hold onto pen so I'll stop now.

9:42 AM Leo here with the morning report. As far as we know, Tod is still at the airport. We thought the keg was dead, really its just sitting in people's mugs.
12:11 Must raise Dan.

He lives. He rules.
12:10 Dan's up and about. About to hurl that is. He's about to call In-and-Out to get an extra Double Double when [Pete]^2 get there. It worked.

Soooo Hung Over....
12:41 Two Pete's return from In'n'Out. They came with 5 burgers even though they left with an order for 4 burgers. Dan woke up just after Pete's had left & wanted a burger, so we called In'n'Out's corporate HQ 800 customer service number & asked them to send a message to the Vista store for two guy's named Pete "Get an extra double-double animal style." Well, Pete got there and they asked "Is your name Pete?" Erf!? So they did. In'n'Out rocks!
1:30 Ollie called, and after 20 minutes of harassment confirmed that he is a Todd. Hangovers are slowing waning so we are off to play volleyball. The Navy boys couldn't hold their drink. We're getting close now, my Spidey sense is tingling.

7/4/96             14:34 hrs.
0:00 The Lameity Timer has begun. Kirby is leading us...nowhere!
(3:00) 14:37. We're in a new complex
(6:00) 14:40. Kirby has directions...but in the car. The golden angel Moroni guides our feet
(10:00) 14:44. Back @ the cars.
[ Page torn out of log... ]
11:25 Leo & Kirb are lost! We have returned to the cars. Buster is searching for directions.
17:00 L+K return. Lameness ends. 20 minutes on the lameness timer. Volleyball is now.
4:22 PM V-Ball winding down now... a little 2 on 2, but rest of us are slurping Gatorade and complaining about how shitty one flavor is. Everyone is also bagging on me for how lame my dating life is. See if I cook for 'em again. But at least Stephan saw a woman in a thong, (Say "thong" a few times to yourself to let it sink in).
4:00 Elise (to her roommate, Sharon, upon arrival): "These are all my friends!" Sharon: "But they're all boys..."
4:45 Leo finishes a game of V with a crushing jump serve after a couple of amazing hits
5:45 Dave checkin' in: I'm sober. Really, I am. Who's da man?
5:46 Pete Bog "I'm not being a dork -- I'm multitasking"
5:47 All quiet on the western front. We adjourn to Dave's house now.
7:20 Rachel sings us the log song. A beautiful
I am being pummeled.

On passing a white Jeep w/a high payload.
"Punch it Danhole"

I was about to make a comment about everyone acting dorkish, but then I remembered who I was surrounded by. BTW, Pat Casey just walked in. There was much rejoicing.

Dave is slowly passing out. Dork.

Beer Run! its urgent. Peter is looking for another expression (Mother of God!)
Dave says Stay in school forever! Then declare bankruptcy every few years. "But don't quote me on this."
8:00p Kirby - Life is good. I've got a wom beer between my legs and a woman on each arm.

Rachel - Shouldn't that be the other way around?

Petebog - "desperate measures call for desperate times"
8:30 Kirby "Todd is like Schroedinger's Cat"
8:32 Drinks: Danhole loves Apple juice mixed with Kovlouarska.

Tried Anheiser Bush's Black & Tan -- tastes like 1/2 decent porter, 1/2 bud. We'll call it "Pud."
8:35 I second [ arrow to Pud ] this motion. Day 2, still going strong. A whole horde of Mudd folks played V-ball this afternoon. We're now at Dave's! with a fridge full of beer. About to go watch fireworks. Great week so far! WaBauer
~10 PM Where the fuck is everybody???
~10:10 PM No close up fireworks - note, Adam is bailing us at this point, we curse his name and drink in his absence. Yeah, yeah, baby yeah. Late but still functioning at maximum avocado coefficient -- while observing fireworks, Eric (Mr. Big) noted that "the shock wave is more coherent in the farfield limit"
10:19 <Ctrl-d> Rachel & Adam logging out. Ciao y'all! Party on.
10:31 We're all back from a pathetic long-distance fire-works show, and the few hard core drinkers in the pack are feeling lonely. Erik Ring allowed a volcanoed Heini to flow down his chest unchecked. Weak!
10:32 DAVE! is Drunk and currently passing out in the middle of this chaos. Fireworks sucked cuz the smoke covered everything up.
10:35 Jungle Boogie...
Get up wid da get down.

10:46 Garlic Powder everywhere! Yee haw! Kirby & I (Leo) are two fisting to help wounded soldiers.

God loves the wounded soldiers. We're playing Asshole. The rules are westie.
11:32 Leo here: From Asshole to #2 in 2 rounds. Call me Queen Hopsnot.
My King is the Supreme Schlong.
11:45 Leo: "Drink, Kirby, because I'm finally above you!"
11:45 Asshole is degenerating we have become an angry mob! DAVE! is drinking again
11:53 Bog: "Ugggggh!"
11:54 BOG emerges from outside... nevermind.

"Asshole rules." 4-time King.
11:55 Mr. Big I just got Punished for having good hearing.
12:00 I just got named pass (Mr. Big)

Danhole has made a stupid comment... again.
12:25 Stephan calls (4th king) Ultra Schlong. Dan calls himself "ueber-schlong-to-be" and WINS

Leo gets a good hand as well and calls himself "Dan's Bitch" since Kirby this round called himself "His Bitch" as second place... They will all drink heavily... "for I am one of the old gods. I demand SACRIFICE"
paraphrase (C&H, 1992, sunday)

12:30 Ollie has had a 12 pack.
12:35 The king has fallen. 5 times in a row and now I'm Earth Master... Whoa is me! I'll be King again soon...
12:40 we love "n" where "n" is large
12:50 "You're drinking in the steel cage!" - Uberschlong
1:00 Dan's palace boy = tool - "Its only semi-sticky now"
1:21 Asshole is over. Only Dan-hole & I were ever really King.
[ Although I'm sure Budic would like you to know that he won the last round, even though he never got to play as King. ]
1:22 Bog:"I jumped on the [Caltech] grenade for all of you! If it weren't for me, one of you might have had to go!"
1:34 Kirby - "Gimme a haandful of Coco Puffs"
Stephan - "Cookie Crisp is pretty good too."
1:43 WaBauer here - We played Asshole for a couple of hours. Made destroyers. Let then run up my phone bill talking to Savin on his birthday. Alcohol just about gone. Nearing bed time. More fun to come. Planning some golf tomorrow (or this afternoon). Later!
Log on! ...
(One of Bog's many quotes tonight: "Don't touch the golden ass -- I'm saving myself!")
1:55 Mr. Big: "Our ancestors had in breeding, but our current generation has no in breeding."
1:57 Shhhh. Rice Krispie treats are good.
1:58 Heather (only women in room)
"Who's bra is that?"
Others: "Dave's."
1:55 Stephan is too drunk to hold the pen. He is now keeping the couch from moving.
Leo gone. Pete awake.
2:00 Heather gone. too bad I'm not driving her home & sleeping on her couch... we're all concerned about her state of sobriety... Yeah, definitely - as the sober one in the room, it should be my responsibility and privilege...
2:03 Everyone is preparing for crashdown since chick is done. We all have to reason to keep going and pretending to be sober and awake.

We all learn for 1st time Craig date Heather for the 1st year. Dave is awake - new flash. He's homing back in on bed, but it was nice to see his shiny face (glowing like a vegas neon SEX sign 2 blocks off the strip.)
2:10 Its a sad commentary that I might be the only fellah left. Even after cleaning out a refrigerator full of good beer...
2:20 We'll pass out soon now. Indeed, Danhole was right. Chick was done so no we could all crash. Presence of lone, "unattached" female in all male world significantly altered the social dynamics of the evening, in a way I could have done without. I think Mudd has taught use well -- there is no virtue in letting a chick tool you, no matter how insignificantly. And frankly, the price what little she has to offer usually isn't worth is never worth it. Enough bitter ranting, time for sleepola.
LATE Tonight I had my first destroyer ever. Thank you Craig. Was very good -- crushed ice, 1 shot triple sec, 3-4 shots vodka, Milk & Limeade, blend. (Pitcher)
10:15 AM Mudder of God
Isn't that Nandor?
10:20 This day is name after the Goddess Freya - Kirby
10:25 Why the fuck are we awake? It's 10:30 am, no one's hungover and no one's drinking beer. What's wrong w/this picture. Stephan: "Sorry I kicked you in the head."
10:25 Mr Big: I was too loaded last night to realize I was getting kicked in the head.
10:35: Stephan: I was too loaded to realize I was kicking Mr. Big in the head.

Also fixed the cocoa puffs 3-D Chocolate World game.

Kirby's drinking the lost (last) Anchor Steam.
10:57 Pig-sty. Bleurschargnell.
11:03 Stephan: Logging out temporarily
Back tomorrow @ Tish's. Drink long and prosper.
11:59 Operation cleanup began with much hype & fanfare. In the process of looking for trash bags, we found twinkies & Handi-Snacks, crackers with a red-plastic spreader for the well of processed tcheeze-food.

We also found the liquor cabinet, Quoth Budic "Oh Man! If I'd known this stuff was up here I'd have never woken up this morning."
12:25 Mr. Big can now see.

Dan hole "The Place looks great."

Dave's bottle opener has a dancing wart on it!

Onward to the second volume of the Second Annual Post-Apocolyptic Drinking Revolution Log

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