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11:04 amPeteBog cries, "Now I remember what I did last night!" and runs out of the room to wash his hands. Nancy has Lays, the breakfast of champions and mmmm. "put these in a bowl w/some milk." We are the walking wounded.
[vertical Omak]
Kirby tells me to log my stupidity. I put plastic bag over my head. I tried to take a nap. "Isn't it wierd how all vomit looks the same? Its all liquid with different chunks." Pete Bog.
Now I'm eating a Reese PB cup. wrapper tasty. A slight hint of chocolate.
11:18amDave up but hungover. Mussing only SZ I think
11:25 am.BHC is losing it.
11:53 amThe keg is Dead [needs pic]
Long live the Keg!

WaBauer here, the most conscious of them all. Approx. 24 hours left & counting. Chicago killed a keg of MGD in a day & a half. We killed a keg of good India pale ale in < 24 hrs.

By the way - a recounting of my evening last night. I must say that getting passed Mexicali twice in a row fucking sucks. After that, I slowed way down to enjoy the entertainment provided by Stefan (noisy) and PeteBog (sloppy). It has rained outside.
12:10Omak is eating a potato chip burrito: KC Masterpiece Barbecue flavor.
12:22Omak: I'm being instantaneously dehydrated by my breakfast burrito. Its like eating a tube of dessicant.
12:34Pete Bog: I suffered multiple gyroscopic failures last night.
12:38Kirby: Omak is actually black.
1:48 pmA) Drink for being a dork, but and
B) Drink for being a wrong dork
1:50Yeah! Indian Food in Ravamna, much laughter and general debauchery @ the Taj Mahal

Thanks to garbonzo's (or chickpeas?), Danhole seems to have recovered. Not that he's wantin' another beer yet. Now, back to the naan.
1:57Dan hole applies "the right hand rule" to chunder.
1:59Omak: What's your favorit unit?
Stephan's favorite is the herm.
2:03Stephan's degree is revoked due to bad unit conversion...
Kirby's fav. unit: mho
2:10Dave!: Hi. Sorry about your lawn, Nancy. ... You're whole lawn
2:17Dave!: Meghan assumes the position [without being asked, arrow] (of totalling the bill, being the youngest non-math major)
3:07Omak reports that, in London, you can purchase beth both "Lime & Lager" and Curry flavored condoms.
Checking out. Must get back to S.D. Can't handle rain (unless of course it sole purpose is to rinse the lawn of spew.) Had fun. Keep the stool samples.

-Dave 3:22 PM Sat July 5

4:30Omak, Kirby, Wabauer, Hand and Ken have taken up Asshole. The Nameless Kind (Omak) has instilled two important rules: No one may look him in the eye and he must be addressed as "Shop. Shop. The King. The King. The Nameless King. Shop. Shop."
Omak rules the free world.
4:33(Stephan at scribe.)
Omak remains King of the One-handed Kingdom where every player keep one hand down their pants when not sorting cards.
For dealing well to the King, Asshole (Hans) may move his hand while its down his pants.
4:35Beer Schlong (Wabauer) places his cards down his pants. King wishes to sue but Dave! has left!
4:37King rules that human hands down the pants must be past the knuckles.
4:37 1/2Status Status quo of the Kingship remains.
4:38Wabauer: "Kirby's pullin' them out of his pants two at a time."
4:41Omak - Ray: A drop of golden sun.
Kirb - Tee: A drink w/jam and bread.
Wabauer - La (forte)
Hans - Doe: A deer, a female deer.
Ken/Asshole - Me.

Its not easy being me.

Drink me! Eat me!
4:47Status quo of Omak and Kirby remains. Beer is running low.

"Asshole-o-meter" - Ken

Omak and Kirby have unpronouncable names. Kirby relents and becomes Bunny Galoshes of the Extremely Silly Party.
Omak is Lap <click> <whistle>
4:55Kirby has players say his name in unison. People must drink if their comments do not amuse the king.

Omak: "Ru Paul is a single queen."
5:00Wabauer: "Lap <click> <whistle> there's a die in your pants."
Omak: "Lots of things have died in my pants."
5:05Seeing Omak and Kirby glued to their spots while the others shuffle around, Stephan sez: "Looks like there's some low-order noise in this system."
5:06Omak declares all players will be named as equations:

Omak: (h-hat)^5 = 1
Kirby: s^4 = i
Hans: [Integral]
Wabauer: ax^2 + by = |COS theta|
Ken: 1/0 (undefined)
Kirby drinks because Omak doesn't like PC's.
5:11Wabauer declares vector ware against (h-hat)^5 = 1.
Omak's got a new bitch: Wabauer.
5:18Omak is erg; Wbauer is furlong/fortnight (fpf). Kirby is beer/round btu; Hans is slug; Ken is ream. Omak threatens that the next round everyone will be a macroeconomic theory.

5:26And it is so that macro is the game. Omak. Floating Real-estate pyramid; wbauer price wage theory of labor; Kirby = stagflation; Hans thus is supply side & then the lowly asshole became trickle down

Physical constants:
Craig = h
Hans = e
Omak = n
Kirby = G
Ken = D
5:55Forgot to add, Vivian & I are back from MS Apartment V.1.0. Rachel & Joe are hunting... sorry, alpha testing V.1.2 (V1.1 already in Beta)
6:18WaBauer here. After one hella long game of Asshole, we have disbanded. There were only 2 kings ever, I believe: Omak and me! I must bow to Omak's ability to entertain the masses during asshole. He had me choking on beer

Presently I am eating a Reeses' & preparing to head to Andrea's. All hail the status quo!
7:15We rally so as to continue the party at Andrea Collier's fine home.
7:20Omak owes Stephan 999 fun bucks.
7:22Damn rice burners.
7:23Vivian, Nancy, Ken and Adam examine the condom selection at Albertson's. We're buying fûd for the party.
7:27"Condoms and 15 different kinds of soy sauce!"


7:30The perfect beer for a HMC party
"Bachelor Bitter"

Beware the Manischewitz Loganberry.
7:41Kirby and Omak are lost in the Albertson's and have been for 5+ minutes
7:44Kirby emerges, claiming to have eaten Omak
7:46Omak re-emerges to the parking lot
7:50ishKen here - having heard the word "cop" I nearly hurt myself ducking down in the back of Nancy's car. We will now perform a little experiment with the following car. I will make a face and record the response.
[big pic here]
7:55 [arrow ->]We arrive at Andrea's House
our first glance yields a half dozen people [arrow ->] non of whom are recognized
8:03 [arrow ->]A whole bunch of Mudders are walking up the steps to the house (Andrea's Bar-B-Que). We are all a little scared inside of the oncoming mass of people, enjoying watching the faces of the non-Mudders.
8:06 [arrow ->]We came, we saw, we conquered!
Johnny Lai (ex President).
8:08 [arrow ->]Welcome to my home. This is my farewell bash to chemistry, the U of W, and to Seattle.
8:07Eva and Doug crash the party and start throwing potatoe salad at everyone. Everybody approves!
8:10[arrow <-] now
7:55[arrow <-] I arrived and assembled myself on the patio in the company of Steve, Stacey, and Dough and Eva. [Heather Mel-something]
8:19A seething hoard of Mudders invades the balcony, & commences the second wave of assault on the barbeque. Henry's Vanilla Cream Soda flows like... like... like a lot of really big flowing stuff. The geek quotient of the house surpasses critical mass, & collapses into a geek black hole, a singularity from which none of may escape. Rejoicing ensues.

Steve (The Canuck)

8:40Party continues. Chicken grilling. PRusso is fixating on anal humor.
Log log l lo lo log
Eatin' chickin & lookin at Bog.
8:43Here at Andrea's. The natives look somewhat scared of us. SURPRISE.
9:45PeteBog awes strangers @ the party with the phrase "study the entropy created by thermal vibrations in metals."
10.15Brent has produced fire works: "Is your house flammable?"
10:20"When we're done, we'll all go inside and pretend we're asleep."
10.30"We're ready for our next foray into arson!"
10.40Brent tries to kill a bug that's gotten into the fridge.

"Stop! You'll shake up that beer!"
10:42 [Arrow <-]Or so Craig says.
Mmm, handwriting improves after a few.
Fireworks are purty.
Footrub in process - wahoo.
Kirby + Ken proposing shared heads.
Amelia is back in town, so we are sans Leo, Lora, Russ.
Last night of revelry, going to have fun...

This Henry Weinhard's Cream Soda is great - wish it got me drunker
10:45:Everyone inside hiding from the non existent cops.

Someone once asked "Why log?" To remember all the things that we are too drunk to forget.

Wabauwer perfects the yawn - swing arm around Megan techique

"I like what she's doing with my fingers"

-Nico with respect to Vivian

11:00"She spins, I sit." - Adam
11:01Stephan predicts BeeGee's Stayin Alive as the next song.
11:15"It is like drumming with your pelvis" - Viv G.

No one dances to bad techno

Where is Leo & Amy?
They're probably having fun together
Stefan: They have a Heisenberg romance. You can either tell whether Amy & Leo are going out or whether they are dating, but never both.
Ed.: we will pummel Stefan when we get back.

Craig still has his arm out of the window of Nanc's car, waving it up and down as we go over bumps (Stefan, Adam, Viv and I are driving behind them). Their car looks sorta funny but sorta pathetic, like a big fat red dragonfly with only one wing trying to take off.
12:22 amDanhole here!
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Saturday July 5, 1997
Nation section A3
We finally found out what happened to one of Mudd's greatest SEDS champions!

One thing I gotta say about Mahicks... he was really really good at scaring the hell outa frosh...[Article scan]
12:34Danhole has sworn to bear the log to me for the transcription. -Stephan
12:37Vivian logs out.
12:55WaBauer here. I have not logged in a while. Went to a cool shin-dig at Andrea, Eve and Amy & Megan's (sp?) to night, after much mirth and A asshole. Destroyers were made by non-mudders but not well. Amy W. has arrived from the sourthern hemisphere. I will let her log in now. Need to catch a 11:30 fight back to SD tomorrow, with Meghan's help.

Onward to the fifth day of the Third Annual Post-Apocolyptic Drinking Revolution Log

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