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9:15 a.m.7/6/97

Preparing to catch the bus for the ferry landing to meet Meghan's mom who will bring us to the airport.
On the bus of tears:
Le Meghan

Adam has prepared toast Francais style for us all - good man.

It was an excellent party. See you next year

Logging out - [WaBauer]

9:14:45[stephan]: su
root> shutdown -t 5 now
Sending TERM signal to all processes...
Sending KILL signal to all processes...
System is halted.


9:16I 2 am out of here, but not so dork-stylishly as [arrow up]. Oh well, must be sober so can go to work. ahhh. Hope my steel drum gets by airport security.


9.18Get on to the bus...
It's been fun, kids. Gorgeous city, wonderful food, and some of the weirdest dreams I've had in a while. Thanks, Nancy! Later!

Thursda Sunday.
9:19 ambuh-bye! Off to airport w/boys above. Then IKEA, with mommy. Had a great time, I'd better get to do it again next year
10:58P.S. Du'oh! Forgot tickets. Leaving again.
Stephan & RAK
11:10 amThe part's just about broken up, Nancy's house has been returned to some semblance of order, save for the big mass of Danhole which is still spread across the couch. Nanc just left to take the fools (see previous entry) to airport. Omak needs food. Feeling energy levels falling. Maybe beer would work. It works wonders!
12:15Danhole wakes up. Could have gotten up earlier, but I haven't been up before noon the whole trip, so why start now
1:30Clean. Make phone calls. Must find something to do.
9:52 p.m.Big delay with logg entries. Sub-critical mass after final deportation led to low-key day. Had waffles for breakfast, utilizing pancake titration methedologies to optimize batter consistency. Had good breakfast. Dan cleaned Mrs. Butterworth because he had determined that she had become too sticky.
10:05 p.m.... Dan + I are discussing future logistics for making this the premier Mudd gathering - he wants it to become a gala (Omak thinks he said Golam, which is much cooler; Dan says a Golem has no will of its own; acts only under the power of the creator; the creator is alcohol - the circle is closed. Quite the fitting thing for this Gala)
10:10 p.m.Riding the bus downtown to meat, erm meet Leo, Amy, Rachel, Joe + Vivian.
10:10 p.m.(cont.) And in further recounting of Omak + Dan's day, we met up with Omak's cousid cousin Jenny. Stopped at Sabrinas + chatted. the went to a way cool gargoyle store on the Ave. Dan bought things for friends. Continued on to the bustling suburb of Redmond, where Omak's cousin lives. In small town fashion, her boyfriend pulled up behind us at the stoplight. We all went to lunch. Dan + Christian (Jenny's boyfriend) had wicked hotsauce. Dan was almost vanquished. Went to their place. Cool yard.
10:30Phoning Baeta Beda
9 pm at the spaghetti factory... they are leaving at 9:00 and claiming they will post further messages.
Hmm. Where the hell are they?
10:32Called Nancy. They haven't called. We're going to walk first Ave to earn us extra cash in the meantime. Fookin' dumbasses. We now the Spag. Fact.
"Paging Joe Baeta"
come in Joe Baeta"

OK, not funny anymore. I have to go to the bathroom. Spaghetti Factory is closed but they are looking around for them anyway. Nope.
We walk to hang out at their apartment building. Wow I feel like a street kid.
10:45All found but much discord over sequence of events. Ran into Leo, Amy + Lora in front of Joe + Rachels place. Leo screams for them loudly from street. The silence of the streets calls back emptily. Then... then we see them ascend in the elevator. And we rejoice, after we scream loudly.
11:05Dan-hole comes out of bathroom. Says Dan: "After four days of waging war against me, my gastrointestinal tract declared its independence." Bathroom door will remain closed. We will all head to a bar to find a better smelling bathroom.
11:25Wandered to Pioneer Square. Music + people. Well, not many people. Bum guy who wanted money Insulted b/c we didn't say anything. I said no. He said thanks. I started something I couldn't stop +
(cont)we talked for longer than I wanted. He said we couldn't note him unless we paid him. He was not paid, but noted nevertheless. Free Speech. I love America.
11:38Leo reporting from inside the bar. I'm here with Amy T. White who has recently returned from the wrong hemisphere and is in her first bar in the free world. Amy, how do you feel? I have no response to that.
11:41?Dan here. State of events: we are sitting around in a dark (very) loud (not very) dive in the cheez district of funtown, Seattle. Melonball-drinking redhead to my left, non-drinkers to my right. I'll go for the drinking girls, myself. Hmm... an interesing
[pictures o' fruit]
Dan: Cool Amy! What other flavors can you recognize in your drink?
(added more above)
(reinerf & Alice)
High Noon (12:00 am)We are currently being entertained by nice music. Mozart, I think.....
12:02Bad band, too loud music + wafting pot (bad pot says leo) leads to instantaneous departure of our party
12:04Dude asks me (Omak) if I got it all down. I say yess. He asks if I'm writing poetry: No, say I, I'm writing free verse. Now we see rat: can we but it in the log?
[small rat picture]
Drawn to scale
[Arrow] Rachel says it looks like a twinkie with a beak.
[Huge rat picture]
appreciate stone-carved entrance sign
12:18 amYou make my picture look like crap!
- Joe

Logout Reiner & Alice
12:19"kill -9 Joe Beda" (jbeda)

"fuck it I hate unix - just flip the power off on the terminal" (dhyman)

Yo yo MC2 out of DA HOUZ


control-D. We Outtie. Yo. Rachel-G.
12:28I have the log! - Leo
12:35Neighborhood safety partrol by Joe & Rachel's place is a pudgy guy on a cheap mountain bike with a utilitiy belt sporting a 2 AA maglite + a cell phone with 911 on speeddial. The party is down to Lora, Omak, Leo, Amy. Destination: NJL
12:57Its official. We're Code 4. The security guy told us so. We're trying to rescue Nancy from the Health Sciences Bldg for coffee & we were accosted askin by some guy in a uniform asking if we had a building use permit. We told him we're here for Nank & he is now in the building getting her for us. He thought we were animal rights activists.
Nancy emerges!
1:08 amlogin name: nantzee
password *******
so here I was sitting in my lab talking on the phone uh I mean working when all of a sudden...
a man in blue busts into my lab uh announcing his presence.
1:26 am
Leo was just complaining that this log entry is not growing fast enough
[pic of log fertilizer]This should save the day.
so a big guy in blue busts into my lab and says that there are some people waiting outside. "What the hell is going on?" I say into the phone and then went with the man away from my previous (lying) exciting (no at all) work.

[choc stain] [Arrow <-] chocolate velvet dome cake signing in
1:45Animal Right Activists: Birkenstock bearing eco-freak girl, Long haired hippie guy, Goth-chick in leather jacket & militant albino with crew cut.
2:22Fremont Troll logging in. There's a...
2:45 a.m.Omak logging out. Now in Burien @ Amy Whites, where Leo, bearer of log is staying. So I log out to leave the log with him. It has been grand fun...

The Apocalypse rolls on... until next year. Adieu, adieu


2:52Leo Proxy logs Lora in & out
8:53 AMTuesday Morning somewhere over Oregon. Leo logging out & closing down the log. It was fun guys. See y'all next year in Frisco!

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